Medway Elects
Medway Development Company Ltd Shareholder Board

This sub committee is one of the council's shareholder boards and shall act with the delegated authority of the cabinet to ensure that the duties and responsibilities of the council as the sole shareholder are exercised through each company, including but not limited to exercising decisions that are reserved to the shareholder and responding to matters raised by the board of directors, except for those specified matters which will remain matters reserved for consideration and decision by the cabinet.

The shareholder boards are responsible for ensuring that the companies are providing high quality services, value for money and are fit for purpose.

Committee Meetings

2023 to 2027

2023 to 2027

2023 to 2027

Only meetings where attendance records are available are shown above. To view the list of meetings for each term, click on the appropriate heading. Click on the date of a meeting to see who was present.

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