Medway Elects

Naushabah Khan

Naushabah Khan MP is the Labour member of parliament for Gillingham and Rainham. She has represented the constituency since July 2024.

Photo: House of Commons/Roger Harris. Licence: CC BY 3.0

Naushabah has stood in seven elections in Medway. She has been elected on four occasions.

Political Career

Naushabah has served in the following posts:

Medway Council

UK Parliament

Some of Medway's current and former representatives have also represented other parts of the country in local government, devolved assemblies and both houses of parliament. Where possible, we have tried to include parliamentary roles in other parts of the country in this section, but owing to the time and research involved, some of this data may require updating.

Committee Memberships

Naushabah has served on the following committees:

UK Parliament

Attendance at Council Meetings

The full council meets six times a year and, unless there are extenuating circumstances, all councillors are expected to attend these meetings.

Naushabah's attendance record for full council meetings is as follows:

Council attendance records are only available from October 2001 onwards. Click on a term to see how Naushabah Khan's attendance compared to the other councillors for that term.

* During the 2020 coronavirus (Covid-19) public health emergency, it was informally agreed between the two political groups to run Medway Council meetings with a reduced number of participants. This was to reduce risk, comply with Government guidance and enable more efficient meetings. Naushabah Khan's attendance rate may have been affected by this informal agreement of reduced participants.

Attendance at Cabinet Meetings

The cabinet is the council's executive branch, responsible for proposing the policy framework and budget to the rest of the council and for taking decisions on resources and priorities throughout the year.

Naushabah's attendance record for cabinet meetings is as follows:

Cabinet attendance records are only available from March 2010 onwards. Click on a term to see how Naushabah Khan's attendance compared to the other members of the cabinet for that term.

* During the 2020 coronavirus (Covid-19) public health emergency, it was informally agreed between the two political groups to run Medway Council meetings with a reduced number of participants. This was to reduce risk, comply with Government guidance and enable more efficient meetings. Naushabah Khan's attendance rate may have been affected by this informal agreement of reduced participants.

Attendance at Committee Meetings

Councillors usually sit on a number of scrutiny or decision-making committees. Additionally, they may substitute for another member of a committee who is unable to make a meeting.

Naushabah's attendance record for these committee meetings is as follows:

Attendance as a substitute member of a committee is not included in the calculation of the attendance rate. Committee attendance records are only available from October 2001 onwards. Click on a term to see how Naushabah Khan's attendance compared to the other councillors for that term.

* During the 2020 coronavirus (Covid-19) public health emergency, it was informally agreed between the two political groups to run Medway Council meetings with a reduced number of participants. This was to reduce risk, comply with Government guidance and enable more efficient meetings. Naushabah Khan's attendance rate may have been affected by this informal agreement of reduced participants.

We are still working on adding historic attendance records to our database. The earliest council meeting we have attendance data for is that held on 13 November 2008. The earliest committee meeting we have attendance data for is that held on 21 November 2007. Please bear with us while we work back to the earliest data available.

Councillors' Allowances

All councillors are entitled to a basic allowance and to claim for certain travel and subsistence expenses. Some councillors have special responsibilities (e.g. a cabinet portfolio or chairing a committee) and receive an additional allowance.

The amount Naushabah received each year in allowances and expenses was:

  Total £103,269.67
Basic allowance £88,557.04
Special responsibility allowance £14,712.63

Allowances information is only available from 2005 onwards. Click on a year to see how Naushabah Khan's allowances compared to the other councillors for that year.

Voting History

Most decisions taken by councillors at meetings of the full council are made by unanimous agreement or, if the decision is disputed, by show of hands. However, the council's constitution states that in certain circumstances, or if six or more members request, a "recorded vote" may be taken, where each councillor's vote is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

The votes recorded for Naushabah are as follows:

2019 to 2023

2015 to 2019

Recorded votes are only available from December 2001 onwards. Click on a vote to see the full details of the motion and how the other councillors voted.

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