Medway Elects

Capital and Revenue Budgets - 2016/2017
25 February 2016


A report presented to council provided details of the capital and revenue budget proposals for 2016/2017.

The cabinet had considered initial budget proposals on 24 November 2015, which had been developed in accordance with the principles set out in the medium term financial plan. In accordance with the budget and policy framework rules within the constitution the overview and scrutiny committees had then considered the cabinet's proposals prior to cabinet's consideration of the draft budget on 9 February 2016.

Following the final settlement, the council's new homes bonus had increased by £23,000.

An addendum report was tabled at the meeting which provided details of the correct precept (£28.07) for Cooling parish council and the outcome of a trades union ballot on the pay award proposals.

It was noted that an overarching diversity impact assessment, as set out in appendix 10 to the report, summarised the results of the diversity impact assessments which had been completed for each of the services affected by the proposed budget changes.

During debate, the leader of the council, Councillor Jarrett, stated that once the new Rochester Riverside multi-storey car park was opened (scheduled for April 2016), the Corporation Street car park would no longer be a long-stay car park. He also stated that car parking charges at the council's country parks would not be taken forward.

The leader of the council, Councillor Jarrett, supported by the deputy leader and portfolio holder for housing and community services, Councillor Doe, proposed the recommendations in the report with the exceptions of recommendations 27.4 and 27.7 which were revised as follows:

  • Revision to recommendation 27.4
    • Remove £40,000 income target from the budget, and replace with £8,000 from new homes bonus income and a further £32,000 income generation target from parking services.
    • £15,000 - Thames Estuary campaign (funded by the new homes bonus)
    • £16,000 - Queen's 90th birthday beacons
    • £50,000 - Dutch Raid
    • £49,000 - Dickens Country
    • £140,000 - HMS Kent Freedom
    • £55,000 - Inward investment
    Total from reserves - £310,000

  • Revision to recommendation 27.7
    Note the parish council precept requirements of £382,692 as detailed at revised appendix 7 of the addendum report.

On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.

Vote Result


The following councillors abstained from voting on the motion:

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