Medway Elects

Government: Reverse Planned Changes to Education (Amendment)
28 April 2016


This council places on record its thanks to all those who give time across Medway in carrying out the voluntary role of school governor.

This council is extremely concerned at the proposal by Nicky Morgan to stop schools from having parent governors who make a massive positive contribution to schools.

This council is also extremely concerned at the proposal by Nicky Morgan to force all schools to become academies by 2020. This is an affront to local democracy and to the key role that LEAs have played for over 100 years in supporting the education of all our children.

This council asks the chief executive to write to Nicky Morgan to highlight our concerns on these two issues.


The leader of the council, Councillor Jarrett, supported by the deputy leader and portfolio holder for housing and community services, Councillor Doe, proposed an amendment that the motion be replaced with:

This council places on record its thanks to all those who give time across Medway in carrying out the voluntary role of school governor.

This council would be extremely concerned at any proposal that might emerge to stop schools from having parent governors who make a massive positive contribution to schools.

This council asks the chief executive to write to the Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP, to highlight our concerns on this issue.

On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried and became the substantive motion.

Vote Result

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