Medway Elects

Community Governance Review - Proposed Establishment of Rochester Town Council (Amendment)
25 January 2018


A report presented to council provided details of the results of the consultation exercise and deliberations of the cross-party working group with regard to the conduct of the community governance review in respect of the proposed establishment of a Rochester town council.

The report provided details of the outcome of consultation, as summarised in section 6 of the report and in the working group's findings set out in appendix 1 to the report. A diversity impact assessment was also included in the working group's report.

The portfolio holder for business management, Councillor Turpin, supported by the portfolio holder for educational attainment and improvement, Councillor Potter, proposed the recommendations in the report.


Councillor Murray, supported by Councillor Stamp, proposed the following amendment:

"Replace 12.1.3 with: Notes the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the people in Rochester, detailed in the report, and seeks to build on this across Medway to increase participation in decision making and demonstrate that the views and ideas of local people are valued and can influence the development of our towns. The council therefore instructs officers to produce a feasibility study and recommendations to full council including consideration of:

  1. Implementing area committees for each of our five main towns and the Peninsula
  2. Review and refresh the existing town centre forum structure and investigate the introduction of business improvement districts (BIDs) to strengthen our town centres."

On being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.

Vote Result

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