Medway Elects

Council: Commit to Food Justice (Amendment)
25 April 2019


Council notes:

  • There are 8 million people in the UK who have trouble putting food on the table according to the United Nations.
  • Over 500,000 people used food banks in the UK last year;
  • The Trussell Trust alone distributed over 1.3m three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis in the financial year 2017-2018.
  • 3m children are at risk of hunger during the school holidays.
  • Around 10% of the NHS budget goes on treating diabetes and up to 1 million people live in food deserts in the UK.
  • The government's commitment to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals), which commits governments to ending hunger, nationally and internationally, by 2030.

This council therefore commits to food justice in Medway by:

  • Nominating a cabinet member the responsibility of delivering food justice;
  • Asking cabinet to discuss setting up a food partnership in Medway;
  • Asking that the relevant overview and scrutiny committee receives a report on the extent of food poverty in Medway, and to make recommendations to cabinet on actions that should be taken to ensure food justice in Medway.


The portfolio holder for adults' services, Councillor Brake, supported by the portfolio holder for educational attainment and improvement, Councillor Potter, proposed the following amendment:

"Delete everything after '...nationally and internationally, by 2030' and replace with 'In light of the above, this council requests a detailed report from Public Health assessing the extent of this issue within Medway specifically, to be brought before the Medway health and wellbeing board, as the most appropriate forum for any action as appropriate, for considering and recommending any further in depth discussion at the earliest opportunity.'"

On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried and became the substantive motion.

Vote Result

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